
Lauren Iden


Lauren Iden


Lauren Iden is an animal lover, powerlifter, jigsaw puzzler, and newbie skateboarder. During her 10-year career in education, Lauren discovered strength training and it was life-changing. As someone who had always lacked confidence in all areas and wanted to shrink in almost every situation, strength training taught her that she carried more power than she ever thought. Being stronger in her body led to her being stronger in her daily pursuits and interactions. Strength training was such a life changing activity that she transitioned from her career in education into a career in personal training, where she still gets to teach every day.

Lauren believes that all bodies are capable of becoming stronger than we’ll ever imagine, that we all have the right to – and should – take up physical space, and that physical strength and the principles learned through strength training – belief, self-determination, patience, and perseverance, to name a few – can carry over into all areas of our lives.




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