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Taking care of our body is not about shrinking ourselves, but instead is about accepting that our body is valuable now – just as it is - and that to be our best and most authentic selves we have to take care of our heart, mind, soul and body.

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Your body is worthy.

Sep 30, 2020

In case you had any doubts today, I want to remind you that your body is worthy and valuable. 

Your black body, dear friend, is valuable and worthy. 

Your brown body, dear brother, is valuable and worthy.

Your indigenous body, dear sister, is valuable and worthy. 

Your gay body is valuable and worthy. 

Your queer body is valuable and worthy.

Your lesbian or bi or straight or pan or asexual body is valuable and worthy. 

Your trans body is valuable and worthy. 

Your gender nonconforming body is valuable and worthy. 

Your disabled body is valuable and worthy. 

Your Mexican body is valuable and worthy. 

Your Lebanese body is valuable and worthy. 

Your African body is valuable and worthy. 

Your Latinx, Asian, Turkish, Indian, Pacific Islander (ect.) body is valuable and worthy. 

Your multiracial body is valuable and worthy. 

Your atheist body is valuable and worthy. 

Your Muslim body is valuable and worthy. 

Your Jewish body is valuable and worthy.

Your Sikh or Buddhist, Hindu or Christian body is valuable and worthy. 

Your migrant body is valuable and worthy. 

Your immigrant body is valuable and worthy. 

Your refugee body is valuable and worthy.

 Your fat body is valuable and worthy.

Your fit body is valuable and worthy. 

Your body in pain is valuable and worthy.  

Your old body or young body; your female body or male body; your entire being, however you identify today is valuable and worthy. 

Your body is made of stardust and miracles. It is beautiful right now, at this exact moment, just as it is. 

However you exist in this world; However you choose to identify yourself; despite what others might say or try to convince you of: Your body is deserving of respect and joy and goodness and kindness.  


And you – dear friend – YOU matter. 

**I couldn’t list off everything or every identifying feature that is used, or every ethnicity or country of origin, but I hope you found at least one way you identify yourself in this list. I hope you feel loved and valued and important today.

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