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Taking care of our body is not about shrinking ourselves, but instead is about accepting that our body is valuable now – just as it is - and that to be our best and most authentic selves we have to take care of our heart, mind, soul and body.

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Into the Well has a space. Or maybe I should say we have a physical location – because everyone has an important space in this world. But either way, Into the Well has an official place. And its beautiful. Its an old Oddfellows lodge building built in 1897, with the three rings still perched on […]

In case you had any doubts today, I want to remind you that your body is worthy and valuable.  Your black body, dear friend, is valuable and worthy.  Your brown body, dear brother, is valuable and worthy. Your indigenous body, dear sister, is valuable and worthy.  Your gay body is valuable and worthy.  Your queer […]

I consider myself a positive person. I definitely see the glass as being half-full. I err on the side of goodness, and I constantly want to encourage and uplift others. But body-positivity drives me nuts. It’s not that I dislike the idea – being positive about our bodies instead of constantly critiquing them is great […]

“Your physical body is beautiful- even on the days you aren’t feeling it. It is deserving of love and joy and goodness. Your value has nothing to do with its shape, and you are no better or more valuable when it is “smaller” or “fitter” or “curvier” or “_______” – fill in with any other adjective. Your physical body – right now, in this exact moment, exactly as it exists – is powerful and worthy and amazing. ”

I used to practice smiling in the mirror so you couldn’t see the lines around my eyes. In my early-20’s, the “crow’s feet” would show up the moment my lips went upward. It was a useless effort, but at the time, I worked with women older than me whose faces barely moved when they spoke, […]

Coming Soon…

Coming Soon…



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